Missing (hidden) reports in Power BI service

I was shocked, suddenly important reports were missing from my workspace in Power BI service. But thanks to the help of Mellisa Coates, I was able to make the hidden reports visible again.

The whole thing is due to a very (very) un-intuitive behavior in the Power BI service. But let’s start from the beginning and assume we have a workspace with a report we are working on.

Workspace in Power BI Service with a report

By actively using the report, it will be displayed on the home page as „Recommended“ and „Recent“. Maybe we don’t want to show this report so prominently on our home page in the context of a presentation and decide without further ado to hide it via the three dots.

Hide report on start page in Power BI service

After the presentation, we notice that the report is not only no longer displayed on the home page, but has also disappeared from the workspace. ?

Workspace in Power BI service with missing (hidden) report.

But keep calm via the gear wheel on the upper right edge we get to the „Settings“. Under the „General“ tab, we find the „Hidden items“ section. Here we can bring the hidden items back to the display.

I hope this post helps you if you are facing the same problem.

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Marcus Wegener

Marcus Wegener

Marcus Wegener ist Anwendungsentwickler für Business Intelligence und erstellt Lösungen, mit denen sich große Datenmengen schnell analysieren lassen. Kunden nutzen seine Lösungen, um die Vergangenheit zu analysieren, die Gegenwart zu steuern und die Zukunft zu planen, um damit mehr Erfolg zu generieren. Dabei ist seine einzigartige Kombination aus Wissen und Auffassungsgabe ein Garant für ihren Erfolg.

2 Gedanken zu „Missing (hidden) reports in Power BI service“

  1. Thank you very much!

    This advice saved me a lot of frustration. I also hid some items from Power BI home page, hoping to make that look a bit neater…. But then a few days later (after I already forgot that I did that hiding) I saw some reports missing in Power BI service Workspaces. I could not understand at all… Until I found your post.

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